Bidding ended on 5VPGB36N5G3048391, victory motorcycles, vegas, ME, February 30, 2025 at IAA

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Provided by VIN # 5VPGB36N5G3048391
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2016 victory motorcycles vegas Overview and Auction Details

This vehicle is classified as motorcycle with a cruiser body style, offering versatility for both urban and off-road use.
The estimated value, as provided by the auction or the seller in perfect condition, is 6,249 USD. Repair cost information is not available; we advise buyers to assess any potential restoration needs through their own analysis or a third-party inspection.
The vehicle is listed with salvage (Maine) document ownership documents. Title details may vary by state, and we recommend buyers check with their local DMV or appropriate authorities to confirm the vehicle’s title is valid and transferable in their state.
We do not own or inspect the vehicle and cannot verify its condition or the seller’s claims.

2016 victory motorcycles vegas Condition and Features

This 2016 VICTORY MOTORCYCLES VEGAS, a motorcycle, is listed with 4,574 miles on odometer, according to the auction data. It runs on gasoline and has a unknown transmission. 

We encourage a personal inspection and the purchase of additional reports to ensure they meet your expectations. The interior and exterior are finished in black, giving it a stylish look.

The auction or seller has listed the item with left front damage, although there may be additional damage. The VEGAS is listed by the auction as having a 'starts' start code. Please review the auction definition of 'starts' start code.